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Posts Tagged 'cuil google search'

Will the new search engine that being discussed throughout search engine forums be able to topple the giant?

The Name
Well let me start off by saying the name alone is a loser in my eyes. Im not sure the term “Cuil It” will be replacing the more elegant souding “Google It” anytime soon.  But that isn’t to say there still isn’t hope for this new competitor.

“Cuil is an old Irish word for knowledge. For knowledge, ask Cuil.” –

Ok so there is meaning behind the madness but people aren’t necessarily harping on meaning. People like names that are catchy and that can roll off their tongues. 1 point Google, no point Cuil.

The Design
The homepage leaves much to be asked for with a black background (cmon guys we all know that a black background will not appeal to the masses) with blue and grey text. I would have to say it looks more industrial than anything search engine related, but let’s not stop there.

Next let’s take a look at an inner page. A simple search for “php tutorials” produces the following:

Now I know change can be good but when it comes to people digging to find a solution in as little time as possible then the organization of the results must be in a highly user-friendly and familiar format. Cuil fails to achieve this with their column laid search results.

What do you think?
I have merely scratched the surface on my review and am now opening it up to you all to let us know your view on the different aspects of it. Feel free to pay a visit then share your views with us.