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Posts Tagged 'knol'

Everyone has been saying that Knol is the new Wikipedia. But is this comparison fair — or at least accurate?

I’m going to tell you what I think.

Knol is the new Squidoo

Let me tell you why I think so:

  • A single topic can be discussed in multiple knols, exactly as seen on Squidoo’s lenses. Wikipedia, like any encyclopedia, only allows one entry per topic.
  • Everyone can edit Wikipedia. Lenses can only be edited by their respective lensmasters. Knols can only be edited by their respective authors, or upon their approval.
  • Knollers are given full credit for their work, just like lensmasters. Wikipedia’s articles can’t have their authorship claimed by any individual.
  • Knols can be rated and commented on; this also happens on Squidoo’s lenses. Wikipedia’s entries can be flagged for revision and are regularly reviewed by contributors, but this is much more of a behind-the-scenes activity.

With so many similarities between Knol and Squidoo — and so many essential differences between Knol and Wikipedia –, I must return to this post’s title: why is Knol compared to Wikipedia? And why isn’t it compared to Squidoo instead? (more…)