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Google Search Engine
In a matter of a couple of short years, the search engine has become the world’s favorite way to find what they’re looking for online.

Now, most of you who are reading this are saying “Duh”, butlet me ask you this: Do you REALLY know how to use Google and get the most out of this incredible search technology?

Hopefully, these tips will help you find EXACTLY what you want the next time you head on over to “Google Land” and start searching.

To start, unlike most search engines, Google does not care if your search term is in UPPER or lower case. In fact, it can even be MiXeD case and the search results will be identical no matter how you type in your term. (more…)

Google Search Engine
In “Part One” we discussed some of the more basic Google search techniques. (If you missed it you can find it here: How To REALLY Use Google Part Two

As promised, here’s the “juicier stuff”. Google has some advanced search options which come in quite
handy, depending on what items you may be searching.

TITLE SEARCH: Allows you to search for pages and sites that have specific words or phrases in their title. For example:

intitle: “direct response marketing”

This search would only give you results of sites that have that particular phrase in their title.

SITE SEARCH: Gives you the opportunity to search pages ONLY within a specific site or domain (or using the “negative” results technique from Part One you can “exclude” results from a specific domain or site as well). For example:

“lead generation” (more…)

Google Search Engine
In Part One, we covered the basics of searching on and in Part Two we moved into more advanced search techniques.
In today’s third and final installment we will peer into some ways of using Google you may have never thought of or knew existed.

DATE RANGES: You may limit your search to an exact date of a “range” of dates that a page was indexed by Google. To use Google’s “daterange” function, you will need to express your dates in “Julian” dates. This date format is express as an integer. To convert a common date into Julian format go to:

As an example, if I wanted to find pages (about a certain topic) indexed by Google during the month of May 2003, I would type in:

“direct response marketing” daterange: 2452774-2452803

TYPES OF FILES: You can limit your Google search results to specific files ending in a particular extension (.doc, .txt, .rtf, .pdf etc…) (more…)

Many do-it-yourself webmasters and online entrepreneurs have been led to believe that search engine positionining is a black art, and that no mere amateur can hope to compete with the “experts.” If you are among them, you’re missing out on a great opportunity to drive free, targeted traffic to your website.

There are only three steps you need to take, if you want to quickly increase your site’s visibility in the search engines. The three steps are: positioning, optimization, and link building. In this short tutorial, I’ll explain what’s involved in each one, and show you just how easy it can be. If you can give me even 10 minutes of your time today, you’ll be well on your way to top rankings.

If there is one message I’d like to get across to you, it’s “don’t fear the search engines.” Not everything that you have been told about them is true! If you would like to increase the amount of traffic flowing to your website, without spending a dime, I urge you to read this article with an open mind. (more…)

Search engines are still one of the most effective ways to drive traffic to your web site. This is because it is highly targeted traffic. A person searching for a particular phrase on a search engine, gets taken to your web site.

It makes sense then, to make your site as attractive as possible to the search engines, so your rankings will improve, giving you more visitors which leads to more sales – your ultimate goal.

Here are 17 powerful strategies you should implement, to substantially increase search engine traffic:

1. Keyword Density – the ratio of keywords to on your visible page to non-keywords is called Keyword Density. i.e. if you have 100 words on your page and 3 of those words are “boat” or “boats”, then you will get a keyword density of 3% of your text for the word “boat”. (more…)

There are certain tricks and techniques in SEO industry, which can fetch you real quick and top ranking in short run and get banned for ever, which I am discussing in this article. Before optimizing any site, always follow code of ethics and never spam.

In this article, I will be discussing about meta tags. How to use the them effectively without spamming. Its not just another article about meta tags. Read on to find out more..

Meta Tags are very important for your website’s visibility. Many search engines read them from your site when you submit it to them. META tags were developed and made a HTML standard for the purpose of addressing specific information about your web page that does not affect the way your page actually looks.

Overstuffing META tags
Believe me or not, there are still many people and web masters around who think that meta tags are magic bullet. It’s not anymore.

Mistake No. 1: Stuffing keywords in Title
Mistake No. 2: Stuffing keywords in Description
Mistake No. 3: The keyword tag.

Mistake No. 1: Stuffing keywords in Title
I agree that it’s very important to include your main keywords in title tag. But there are certain things, which you should remember, as title tag is the most important tag.

– Title tag length should be within 70 characters or 8 words
– Title tag should be meaning full and attract visitors
– Use one to two keywords in title tag
– Use plurals & concentrate on keyword phrases rather than just keyword.
– Make sure that title tag is grammatically correct

Syntax of Title Tag
Your site title goes here

Now, lets me show you live demo on Title tag. Please search for “Office furniture uk” in Google, without double quotes. See the results. This is the first site listed under Google.

Office Furniture Home UK, Home Office Furniture London, Home …
Office Furniture UK Online Home Office and Small Office Shopping England,
London, UK. Furniture, Office, Seat, Seating, Desk, Desks …
Description: Uses full screen flash with exit button. Offering bespoke office furniture solutions for businesses….

Welcome to furniture123 – Bedroom furniture, Office furniture, …
… desk uk, child bed, home office furniture, child furniture, dining furniture, coffee
table, office chair, furniture retailer, upholstery uk, bathroom furniture …

Welcome to – Blueline Furniture – Ergonomic furniture, Custom …
… has pioneered the manufacture of office furniture using timber … FIRA GOLD Quality Award
as its furniture hire, minimum … dealer network across the UK and Channel …
UK’s leading furniture retailer offering an extensive range of quality furniture,
including home office furniture, bedroom furniture, dining furniture, beds …

These are the above first 4 results arrived for the term “Office furniture UK” in google. Now have a look over title and description. The first title does not make any sense and it�s stuffed with keywords, though it�s ranking no.1 it would have less click thorough as compared to no 2 and no 3.

A fair and attractive title would be something like:
Offers quality office furniture at discount price in UK (Short title )

UK’s leading furniture retailer offering office furniture at discount ( Perfect one )

Look at the above two titles. It conveys some message with a perfect sense. The best possible keywords have been used and it�s catchy too. Just by crafting a good title you can increase your click through, even though you are not listed in top 1 or 2 positions. I hope now you must have got some idea about crafting good title. Now let�s jump to next step. Yeah. Description Tag.

Keyword Tag
The keyword tag is almost dead. Most of the web masters try to flood the key word tag with all sorts of keywords. Hardly couple of search engines gives a bit of importance to it.
Please note that, directories like Yahoo, Dmoz & About does not consider keyword tag or meta tags. I do not recommend using keyword tag. If you use the keyword tag, do not include more than 8 keyword phrases.

1. Include only important long keyword phrases.
2. Don’t use generic / general terms. Be specific
3. Use Word tracker to find good keyword phrases

1. Do not spam by stuffing all the possible keywords.
2. Do not include the keywords, which are not related to your website
3. Do not repeat any tag (title, description, keyword tag) you might get boost by repeating, but never know when you will be banned.

Other important things to remember
1. Meta tags (Title & Description) should reflect the content the page. Do not put your company name in title.
2. Do not try to target more than 2 to 3 keyword phrases per page
3. Try to include your important keyword phrases in h1 to h6 tag.
4. Include your important keyword phrases in tag, bold tag.
5. You will get boost if you include your important keyword phrases in anchor tag.
6. Do not forget to Include your important keyword phrases in first paragraph of your web page.
7. Try to put your important keyword phrases in alt text. ( for images )
8. Make sure that title and description is crafted neatly and attracts both visitors and search engines.

Robots (Recommended)
See the workshop report at W3 for the full text.

default = empty = “ALL”
The filler is a comma separated list of terms:

This tag is meant to provide users who cannot control the robots.txt file at their sites. It provides a last chance to keep their content out of search services. It was decided not to add syntax to allow robot specific permissions within the meta-tag.

INDEX means that robots are welcome to include this page in search services.
FOLLOW means that robots are welcome to follow links from this page to find other pages.
So a value of “NOINDEX” allows the subsidiary links to be explored, even though the page is not indexed. A value of “NOFOLLOW” allows the page to be indexed, but no links from the page are explored (this may be useful if the page is a free entry point into pay-per-view content, for example. A value of “NONE” tells the robot to ignore the page.

There are other meta tags like, Author, language, Copyright, Re-visit, classification etc. which are ignored by most of the search engines. Experience says, use the three tags wisely (title, description & keywords). You will be attracting both visitors and search engines.

Author Bio:
Rajesh V. Tavakari is SEO Specialist of Website Promotion & Ranking Services, an Internet Marketing firm specializing in Website promotion & Website optimization.

HTML Email
Until recently text-based email was the most popular way to communicate, however with the advent of html email you can now create and send beautiful graphics, create clickable links and use interactive forms.

HTML email can have the same appearance as a web page. You can include your favorite photos, create colorful newsletters or charts for your friends or business associates.

It’s now often used as a valuable tool in email marketing campaigns.

HTML email has now surpassed text-based email in popularity.

Read this survey on email format preferences and and programs.

Let’s first point out the pros and cons of sending html email before we get into how to create it. (more…)

If you are serious about improving search engine rankings, you need to check the keyword density of your web site. In order to do this you must integrate proper keyword phrases within your meta tags and web copy.

What is keyword density?

This is the ratio of a keyword or keyphrase to the total words (depth) on a page. It is one of the most critical aspects of search engine optimization. To improve search engine ranking, your keyword density must not be too high or too low.

Try to aim for a keyword density of 1% to 7%. To achieve 1% you would need to insert your keyword or keyword phrase once for every hundred words. If you only used your keyword once in one thousand words, this would result in diluting your keyword density.

Don’t try to stuff all your keywords together, separated by commas. Search engines may see this as spam, penalizing your rankings. (more…)

Web Site promotion should be the major part of your web site marketing plan. It’s not enough just to design a beautiful web site and put in on the Net. Promoting your web site has to be done constantly if you want to get a continuous stream of traffic to it. If you don’t drive traffic to your web site, your online business venture will soon fail.

1. Create a web site marketing plan – if you fail to plan then you default to a plan for failure. When designing your web site, create a plan on how to market it as well. Try to put yourself in your customers shoes when doing this. It’s too easy to just view your web site from your own perspective. You need to have a clear vision for your business, goals (short and long term) you wish to achieve and the strategies of how you will accomplish them.

2. Define your target market – many online marketers promote their web site aimlessly in a field which is too large i.e. they may use bulk mailing as one of their promotion strategies. Of course you may get some visitors but the chances are you will not make many sales. Why? You have not narrowed your field of
customers and targeted them. If you sold Cadillacs online for instance, you are not randomly going to market to every person on the Net. Your target market may be previous owners of cadillacs, or people who routinely purchase luxury American cars.

Getting targeted customers to your web site, will increase sales, because they will have more interest in your product or service than marketing to a general audience. (more…)

Reciprocal linking is catching on in popularity. It’s a way for website owners to share each other’s traffic, a simple “let’s trade links” deal that can help to widen your web audience.

Swapping links can also help you with your search engine traffic. Some search engines calculate the number of links to your site from other sites and use it to determine your ranking. As you know, a better position equals more targeted traffic!

Another way reciprocal links can benefit you is by drawing repeat traffic back to your website. If you offer a high- quality list of relevant links, visitors will return often because they know that they can quickly find what they’re looking for. (more…)