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SEO has evolved so much during the past 5 years that we even renamed our company to Web Moves.  I absolutely love some of the brilliance I read from experts in our industry— and this guy could have been speaking words straight from my mouth.

Forbes – If You’re Good at These 3 Games, You’re Probably Good at SEO

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Blogging has become second nature to many people, and they are reaping the rewards. Business owners in any industry should learn how they could benefit from blogging.  I have been blogging for the past 5+ years.  You can check out all my ramblings about PPC here.

How businesses can benefit from blogging is by reaching and remaining on the first page of search engines. For instance; a garden/landscaping business has started a website with their products and services but have very little web traffic. It is not because they do not have good products or services, it is because they are not appearing on the first or second page when potential customers are searching for products they carry. The best step management can take at this point is to begin posting regularly (or hire someone to do it) with information about the gardening and landscaping industry.

Blogging is not meant to be blatant sales pitches; it is meant for informative, valuable content for the consumer. If each post is simply a picture of a product with a “the best there is” tag on it, website traffic will drop instead of rise. When the consumer sees something of value to them that they do not have to pay for (information in this case) they will tell their peers and share it on social networking sites.

Businesses can benefit from blogging by giving consumers free advice and ideas on how to use their products. In the gardening industry there are millions of products available so content should not have to be repeated.  A top business blogger can easily pick one item per day to write about. In staying with the gardening theme the items and tips should be related to the season. This type of approach will keep consumers returning to the site on a regular basis to learn something new. As time goes on, the blog subscriber may become a regular customer as well.


Dog Napping - Photo Credit: zentofitness.comIf your SEO rankings are plummeting, one of the most effective local internet marketing techniques to help bring it back around is to take a NAP:

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Ultimately, we’re talking about local citation building.  Citation building can have a powerful effect on your SERP positioning for keywords and searches returned using local data and terms.  However, it’s not as easy as simply requesting inclusion in Google Places and getting a couple of links from sites like the online Yellow Pages.  The following are 4 simple steps for taking a NAP, AKA; building effective and long-lasting local citations.


The economy might be slowing down, but technology and Internet-related businesses are still experiencing steady growth. If you’re looking for new income sources, the Web is not a bad idea. However, just like any other business, making money online is a multifaceted endeavor. If you’d like to try you’re hand at it, it’s best to study the risks and the how-to’s. I’ve gathered a few free ebooks and resources here written by some of the most highly regarded Internet marketers to help you understand how it all works. Hopefully, you’ll find them useful and answer some of your questions. (more…)