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What’s Your Speciality: SEO or SEOProc?

You may be saying now: “Of course it’s SEO! There’s no such thing as SEOProc.”

Are you sure?

I’m going to show you that while most webmasters dream of reaching the SEO King/Queen status, many of them are in fact moving towards SEOProc stardom.

See if you recognise any — or all — of the following symptoms:

1. Spending time in SEO forums and blogs is essential. You read as many posts and comments as possible, trying to distinguish valid pieces of information from the useless ones. Eventually, you get confused and tired… and move on to the next forums and blogs.

2. Split testing is important because it helps you detect SEO techniques that truly work. For several times you’ve been about to run your own tests. But then you say to yourself: “Why would I want to do this anyway? There are already so many SEO specialists doing this. I’d better wait until they publish their own tests’ results.” And this is exactly what you decide to do.

3. Keyword researching is an absolute must-do for all webmasters. With this fact in mind, you research keywords all the time. You hardly — if ever — put your research’s resulting data in use, but that really doesn’t matter. At least you’ve taken the first and most important step in your SEO strategy and this is what counts.

4. Installing SEO plugins on a WordPress blog is easy. You often find posts listing such plugins. You love reading and bookmarking those articles. After all, by reading them you’ll be able to choose the right SEO plugin… someday. There’s no hurry; new plugins are released all the time and you prefer waiting for the perfect one.

If you relate to the list above in any way, beware: Search Engine Optimisation Procrastination — aka SEOProc — will hinder you from achieving web success. Unless you stop procrastinating and start taking action now.

Can you think of any other SEOP symptoms? Share them by leaving a comment.