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Saving Time is Saving Money

One of the things any webmaster learns really fast in their field is the importance of time. With that in mind they continually seek faster more efficient ways of doing things. This isn’t something only webmasters do, it is done throughout every industry in the world.

If you make saving time one of your goals for your website business you will be astounded at just how much time you will have to do more and more important things. Here are some examples to help clarify my point:

Be prepared, think ahead.
You are looking for somewhere to find a great image for a project. For all of you that have taken some time to find the right image you know how much time that can be. Well if you already knew of a site where you would most likely find the image then that saves time. Don’t rebuild the wheel. If you know in advance that you will be needing a good Font Source then ask a designer colleague where would be a good spot. By the time you are ready for the fonts you know just where to go.

Stay sharp, quality counts.
Your website is starting out with only 5 pages so you decide to just code it all in html making a static site, rather than making it dynamic with a server-side language. Time is precious. If you do it right the first time you save the time and money doing it over again plus the time spend on the original.

Knowing is Half the Battle
Finding solutions to problems. In the internet world as the world itself people are always trying to find solutions. In the internet world this can be just a forum away but when time is of the essence you need to know where to go to get results. An example of this is a site called where technology related questions can be submitted with answers being prompt and well thought out. And yes, the service is free. I know that when I need an answer that that’s the place for me to go.

One of the major hurdles preventing the average person from being good at this is keeping a record of who is good for what etc. Don’t depend on memory. Keep a list, a file, something, so that you will always have it. (unless the dog eats it)

Sometimes in life its some of the most obvious things that seems so unthinkable. This is one of them. Take some time to think of ways you can save time. It can change your life.

Feel free to comment and let us know ways in which you have been able to save time. Here is one from me.

– I pay attention to the things I do daily and look for repetitiveness. One I find it I start thinking of a way to do it once or only a few times instead of continually.

Best of luck.