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Tap Into Your Website’s Revenue Potential

For most of us with content driven sites whose purpose online is to make money there are a few companies out there that help fascilitate this process. These companies are particularly beneficial in that they allow you to make money with only the initial setup involved. No sales team needed!

They can help give smaller sites a helping hand and larger sites a major boost in revenue.

So who are these companies and how can I get started with them?

Meet the Players!

  • Google Adsense “surprise surprise Google is in the list :o)”
  • Yahoo! Publisher Network
  • Vibrant Media
  • Kontera

This list is by no means exhaustive but if I were to include them all I may never finish this post. The following few represent some of the major companies in this arena and hence some of the ones that can provide you with greater revenue potential.

Google Adsense

Google Adsense uses their search technology to crawl your website getting a fairly accurate idea of what your site is about and match their text ads to that topic. The ads are available in a variety of sizes and can be can be text, image or text and image ads. For the text ads, colors can be customized to match your site. Creating an account for free and be up and running within a few minutes.

Adsense also offers you the option of creating a top notch search engine for your site but also shows ads in the search results that contribute to your Adsense revenue if people click on them.

Yahoo! Publisher Network

The arch rival to Google Adsense Yahoo! Publisher Network offers websites an alternative. A descendant of Overture, YPN (Yahoo! Publisher Network) offers a similar arsenal of ad sizes as Google. You are also able to customize colors as well. Many people use this as a backup if for some reason they aren’t accepted by Adsense.

Vibrant Media

More popularly known as IntelliTXT this revenue builder offers a neat solution to earning more money while displaying ads that are somewhat unubtrusive. With their technology Vibrant Media reads the content of your webpage and highlights keywords on your page that match their advertisers target keywords. When a user mouses over the link the ad is displayed.

A gatekeeper to this system however is their mimimum pageview restriction

A website must receive a minimum of 500,000 text rich page views a month to qualify for Vibrant In-Text Advertising.

If you have a great site with traffic somewhat in that range then Vibrant Media can be a significant revenue stream for your website, however, if your traffic is a bit lacking then say hello to Kontera.


Don’t let that introduction fool you. Even though they are a lot more accepting, traffic wise, than Vibrant they offer a great way for small AND large websites to increase their revenue whether or not the website’s ad inventory is completely sold out. Their system follows the same concept of Vibrant Media, however, their rules are a bit more lenient. An example of this is Kontera allows their ads to be shown on your homepage while Vibrant specifically states not to do this.

Which Should I use?

So now that you have met these 4 revenue earning methods which do you choose. Well that is up to you but here are a few things I find a lot of people doing.

Choosing Adsense and if they are unable to get into the program then using YPN.
Choosing Vibrant Media if they have enough traffic and Kontera if they don’t.
Using both Adsense or YPN with IntelliTXT or Kontera.

What about the others?

Well ofcourse as I mentioned before this list is in no way exhaustive. If you are interested in checking out other services Google can serve you up a pretty hefty plate.

Best of luck!