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Frequency Capping for Google ads

People are spending more and more time on the Internet, and yet most companies are slow to spend their advertising dollars online. As the undisputed leader in the industry, Google is trying to find ways to lure more ad spending on their network by improving their product offerings. After acquiring DoubleClick and retiring its referral ads program, Google made another announcement about its advertising arm. In a bid to enhance the functionality and quality of their ads, the following features are going to be made available in the coming months:

Frequency Capping: Enables advertisers to control the number of times a user sees an ad. Users will have a better experience on Google content network sites because they will no longer see the same ad over and over again.

Frequency Reporting: Provides insight into the number of people who have seen an ad campaign, and how many times, on average, people are seeing these ads.

Improved Ads Quality: Brings performance improvements within the Google content network.

View-Through Conversions: Enables advertisers to gain insights on how many users visited their sites after seeing an ad. This helps advertisers determine the best places to advertise so users will see more relevant ads.

Cookies are key in this new scheme. Specifically, the Google content network will be using DoubleClick cookies in tracking metrics for the functionalities listed above – a step forward in their integration. If you’re an existing advertiser or publisher of DoubleClick ads, you don’t really have to do anything on your website because your existing cookies will already have these enhanced abilities.

So, do you think frequency capping will be good for the industry, or will it lead to lower revenues? What else would you like to see added onto the feature set of Google ads?