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Google Suggest and SEO Repercussions

Google has announced that over the coming weekend it would be implementing their Google Suggest suggestion feature on the main page of Google. Suggest in essence feeds you propositions for a search term in real-time as and when you type. It is indeed an exhilarating and innovative feature; with many an implication to Search Engine Optimization as exists today.

The ‘long tail keywords’ is what is going to effect a change on Search Engine Optimization in a big way. Long-tail keywords are characteristically 4 to 6 keywords in length. And these are words that in all probability will not come into sight on Google Suggest. Google will only show comparatively popular keywords based on what was recently typed.

This search recommendation when viewed along with the latest initiation – that of automatic matching and the innovative quality score revision, it may well end up merging PPC struggle alongside a less significant set of core industry keywords. A few keywords, like misspelled terms are now going to be a lot tougher to make a traffic stream with.

Creating enough hype with a suitable brand name that would be searched for by eager consumers is a great way to boost traffic. Consider this aspect when creating official names and coming up with titles for your page. It is general knowledge that almost up to one fifth of all brand searches is routed to third party websites; and this was long before Google came up with the search suggest and proposed putting it on its homepage. Also, providing discounts and coupons for popular brands results in similar change in rankings and keyword suggest searches.

Media drafting is another way to use search suggest to your benefit. Creating media content like videos that are specifically optimized for a particular search phrase ensures your place on the suggestions list. For those pages and online business sites who are not interested in cultivating a brand image, it is best to adopt such means to figure on the suggestions list.

As more and more people begin using search engine suggest now that it is on Google’s homepage, eventually, acronyms might lose standing and domain names that were earlier considered too long or not viable may now gain prominence due to the auto complete search suggestions now available.

Depending on how fast one adapts to it and uses it in optimizing one’s site for good, the new Google suggest feature is a potential boon for SEO purposes.