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Google Toolbar PageRank Update Coming Soon According to Matt Cutts

These last days have been extremely exciting for everyone who follows Google-related news. Speculations on Digg’s acquisition, experiments with a Digg-like interface, the release of Knol… Yes, the “googlesphere” is a hot place to be right now. And it seems that things will become even hotter in the very near future: Matt Cutts announced an upcoming toolbar PageRank update. Here’s what he commented on his own post:

I figured the SEO industry could use something to discuss, so I thought I’d give people a heads-up about the toolbar PageRanks.

Oh, really? As if we all didn’t have enough to discuss already. Not that we should complain. Much on the contrary: Google news are always welcome, especially when they come from one of the most reliable sources available on the Internet.

And if you’re preparing yourself for another whining season due to decreased PageRanks, you may have a surprise: of course many sites will be penalised as usual… but many others will have their penalties expired!

I don’t know about you, but I can’t hardly wait for this PR update. I’m sure we all are going to have a nice time browsing through forums and blogs, keeping track of the changes, speculations, predictions, complaints, success stories and all that stuff that makes a webmaster’s life funnier.