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8 Ways to Build Your Subscriber Base

8 Ways to Build Your Subscriber Base
When you combine the use of several of the following techniques for building your subscriber base you will find that you can grow your list rapidly. Don’t forget though, building your list is the easy part, Keeping your subscribers requires a lot more effort.

You will want to provide your readers with quality information they can depend on. If you promise to deliver your information on a certain day, then make sure you deliver it that day.

Provide your readers quality information that teaches and informs. And more than anything treat your readers with respect. Don’t abuse your list by sending continuous advertising or displaying twenty ads each issue you send.

Here are some of the best ways to build your list:

1. Your Website
Place a subscription box on every page of your website. Make sure you don’t overlook this simple but powerful way of gaining subscribers.

2. Give Them Something to Subscribe
This strong way of obtaining subscribers can literally quadruple your subscription rate. All you have to do is offer your visitor a free gift in return for their subscription. This free gift can be a free ebook, software course or report.

3. Writing Articles
You can write informative articles and allow them to be freely published. You will be branding your name. Include your subscription information within your bylines. You probably subscribe to at least one online newsletter or ezine. Most ezines will include a feature article written by the editor or a guest author. At the end of the article, a few lines of text about the author, referred to as your “byline” or “resource box.”

The writer gives the publisher permission to publish their article free of charge in exchange for the publisher including the author’s
byline. Your byline is basically just an advertisement for your business. You can usually include a couple of lines about yourself and a web address. By allowing your articles to be published, your articles will have the potential to be viewed by millions of Internet users.

4. Write Your own Ebook
You can create powerful ebooks and allow them to freely distributed. Place your subscription box on each page. Allow others to pass it along.

5. Submit Your Ezine or Articles to Ezine Directories
You will need to submit your ezine to a variety of listing sites. Do a search for ezine directories in your favorite search engine. Start submitting your ezine subscription information. Submit to at least ten different sites everyday. Pretty soon you’ll be listed in hundreds of sites. Be sure and study the listings on each site. You will need to submit a description of your ezine. Write a powerful description that will generate hundreds of new readers.

6. Use discussion lists to promote your list
Discussion lists provide a great way of communication with other people with the same interests. Usually blatant advertising is prohibited, but signature lines are permitted. When you subscribe to discussion lists you will be joining a group of individuals who have mutually subscribed to receive posts from other subscribers on the same list.

7. Pop-Up Windows
Although pop-up windows can be irritating if not used correctly, they will provide a highly effective means of obtaining new subscribers. Combine pop-up windows with your incentives.

8. Alert Boxes
Although using pop-up windows with incentives is a highly effective method of obtaining new subscribes, there is another method that is even better. When combined with an incentive, this method will literally double or even triple your subscriptions instantly. The alert box is similar to a pop-up window but doesn’t require your subscriber to fill out a form.

Author Bio:
Kristie Weddell is an independent researcher and owner of, a site devoted to providing resources for Affiliate and MLM Marketers. Subscribe to her free ecourse ‘5 Simple Steps to an Online Cashflow’ at